Citeremis is an independent video game studio located in the Eastern Townships area in Quebec, Canada.
Our main objective is to create fun, quality games. We also strive balance our quality of life and our passion for game development.

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New version of Aztaka coming soon

With the holidays and a daily deal a few weeks ago, the steam forums sprung to life. We got so much good feedback that we began updating Aztaka.

Aztaka will soon be available for Mac and Linux, along with a lot of bug fixes and some interesting new content. The first couple of levels have been redesigned, and some of the mechanics have been improved.

We have been actively reviewing all the feedback we got and we just couldn’t fit it all into the original game. New content and bug fixes were just the tip of the iceberg, and we really enjoyed player involvement.

We will soon have a Dev Blog as well as a Forum online that we will update regularly. Players will be able to give us feedback directly. The Blog’s main focus will be keeping everyone updated with the development of a few projects with news articles, images, and occasionally videos. The forum, on the other hand will be the grounds for active discussion and interaction with and between our players.

As we’ve been working on the Mac and Linux ports for Aztaka, we’ve completely changed the game’s engine. As such we are looking for testers willing to help us pinpoint bugs in all 3 versions of the game (PC, Mac, and Linux). Drop us an email at devs(at)

Monday, February 20th, 2012

“I’m So Indie I Made My Own Bundle” Bundle

Dejobaan went and threw together an awesome little "I'm So Indie I Made My Own Bundle" Bundle. Now you can't get them all together at discount, but they're all 75% off for the holiday season. Do yourself a favor and pick up some awesome indie titles!

Thursday, December 23rd, 2011


Steam Holiday Sale

Aztaka is now 75% off on Steam. For $2.50 its a great gift to anyone that loves legends, art, and music!




Wednesday, December 21st, 2011

Christmas is on its way...

We just received five steam keys for the awesome game AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA. Interested ? The first five people to send us an email, follow us on twitter or supporting us on facebook will receive a free key to enjoy! (Edit: All the keys are gone. Enjoy!)

Saturday, December 10th, 2011

Looking for Mac OS testers

You're a Mac user interested in helping? Please your email address and we’ll email you a link to "play" our latest mac version (for free) Thanks !

Thursday, December 8th, 2011

Aztaka Trailer

(C) 2011 - Citeremis inc.